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I am not sure when we started to completely isolate strength and sensitivity.

I recently had a conversation with someone who seemed to have observed me quite a lot in the work setting and his comment about me surprised me. He said to me, “You tend to look really strong and project a lot of strength, but you seem to be a really sensitive person deep down.”

It surprised me because I never truly hide my sensitivity, I just happen to be both strong and sensitive. I fall into the category of Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) or Empath, and I am deeply attuned to my environment and the people around me. It’s both a blessing and a curse. However, it has been one of my biggest assets now that I have become more aware and developed skills to move about the world as an HSP.

It takes a lot of strength to be sensitive in a world which does not value, or suppress emotions, and it takes a lot of strength to constantly feel so much and still show up.

Do you think it’s possible to be both strong and sensitive too?